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Biography – prove


Alessandra Maria Bonanotte was born in 1979 in Rome, where she graduated in Natural Sciences at the University La Sapienza and studied photography.
Worked as a photographer for the ONG Scuoladelsole, committed to the education of refugee children in Vienna in 2010 and she collaborated with the study Fototeca of Tokyo in 2011.
Since 2012 works with the Hiro Gallery and Kyuryudo Art Publishing Co., Ltd. of Tokyo, realizing the following books:

La Forma Poetica of Cecco Bonanotte, Kyuryudo 2012.
Ouvrages d’ Amélie II of Amélie Hayashi, Kyuryudo 2014.
Tsumugiori of Fukumi Shimura, Kyuryudo 2015. The book won the Gold Prize, the MEXT Minister Prize and the Shin Matsunaga Prize in the 57th   edition  of the Japan Catalogue Prize in 2015.
Il Teatro dei Ricordi of Cecco Bonanotte, Kyuryudo 2015. Was responsible for the artistic direction and photography of the book.
– Meian – Chiaroscuri giapponesi of Alessandra Maria Bonanotte, Polistampa 2016.

Personal Exhibitions

Closer, Shokoji Temple, Tateshina, Nagano 2013.
The Light of Soul, Gallery Syokando, Kyoto 2014.
Geometry of the Spirit, Eirakukan, Iga, Mie 2015.
Meian – Chiaroscuri giapponesi, Italian Cultural Institute, Tokyo 2016.
Meian – Chiaroscuri giapponesi, Farnesina Open Doors, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Rome 2016.
Meian – Chiaroscuri giapponesi, Izukogen Art Festival, Hiro Gallery Izukogen, Izukogen 2016.
Meian – Chiaroscuri giapponesi, Sakai City Museum Hall, Osaka 2016.
Moments of Silence, Hiro Gallery, Ginza Tokyo 2017.


Dialogo – Forma e Immagine with Cecco Bonanotte, Hiro Gallery, Ginza Tokyo 2013.
Yoshimasa Tsuchiya meets Shimura’s colors, with Tsuchiya, Fukumi and Yoko Shimura, Fukumi Shimura Gallery, Kyoto 2014.
Teatro dei Ricordi, photos Genesi, with Cecco Bonanotte, Italian Cultural Institute, Tokyo 2015.
Teatro dei Ricordi, photos Genesi and Portraits, with Cecco Bonanotte, Nakatomi Memorial Museum, Tosu, Saga 2016.
